Jun 17

shopping list
1. milk
2. food colouring
3. plate
4. washing up liquid
5. syringe

what we did (written by dylan)

Pour some milk on to a plate. Put a few drops of food colouring in the middle of the plate. Put some washing liquid in the syringe, then drop some washing up liquid into the middle all of the food colouring and watch it go. The name of this process is called Diffusion!

Science Explanation (written by dad)
The washing up liquid acts as a degreaser separating the fat molecules in the Milk. Because the Milk has a low surface tension the fat molecules can easily be split. As the molecules are split it causes a motion which creates the swirling of the colours.

Jun 10

Shopping List
To make a bug catcher you will need, these things
1. a glass jar with a lid
2. hot glue gun
3. two pastic pipes that are the same size
4. small piece of material
5. elastic band
6. electric tape
7. drill

Building Instructions
To make the bug catcher. First we drilled two holes the size of the pipe in the lid. second we push the pipes in the holes. Then we use hot glue to fix the pipes in place. Afterthat we took the lid of the jar. We put the small piece of material, we use an elastic band to hold it onto the pipe. We screwed the lid back on. Then we put tape on one of the pipes. The end of building.


Using Instructions
Find some bug, put the pipe above the bug and then suck on the other pipe. The bug will be sucked into the jar.


Have fun with your bug cathers, i hope you will have fun.
